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IIDP New Funding Opportunity: 2025 IIDP Data Resource - Trainee Scholar Award (DRTSA)

Here is the information from the Integrated Islet Distribution Program (IIDP):

"The Integrated Islet Distribution Program (IIDP) announces a new funding initiative, the 2025 IIDP Data Resource - Trainee Scholar Award (DRTSA), that is intended to advance research in human pancreas biology by providing trainees with support and access to detailed donor and islet data contained within the IIDP’s Research Data Repository (RDR) that will enable important secondary analyses to explore the relationships among donor characteristics, islet phenotyping, and genetic risk


Studies supported by these awards should focus on key questions in pancreatic research. IIDP data, including detailed donor, islet isolation, and post-shipment phenotyping data, will be made available to award recipients via the IIDP’s Research Data Repository (RDR). A comprehensive list of data points available via the IIDP’s RDR can be viewed here: https://iidp.coh.org/Investigators/Research-Data-Repository

Award budget: Awards are limited to $10,000 including any applicable F&A costs. As is customary for NIDDK supported career development awards, Indirect Costs (Also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs.

Project period: 
The maximum project period is 12 months.

Key Dates:

Information Webinar: December 6, 2024, 12 pm PT

Letter of Intent Due Date: January 13, 2025 (courtesy only)

Application Due Date: February 14, 2025"

Source and more information: https://iidp.coh.org/drtsa_2025


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