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Here is the information from the NIH:
Pilot projects to enhance utility and usage of data sets from the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC) (R03 Clinical Trials Not allowed)Funding Opportunity Number (FON): RFA-RM-24-011
Funding Opportunity Purpose: The Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC) has made data available through the MoTrPAC Data Hub ( The purpose of this NOFO is to announce the availability of funding to support novel approaches for analyzing MoTrPAC data, to generate hypotheses and catalyze discoveries; for comparing the publicly released MoTrPAC data to other datasets; and for developing analytic pipelines.
Specific Areas of Interest
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) aims to promote innovative research using MoTrPAC data. Small research (R03) grants provide flexibility for initiating discrete, well-defined projects that can be completed in one year and require only limited levels of funding.
The NIH Common Fund encourages novel approaches for mining, analyzing and comparing the multi-omics data from the Preclinical Animal Study Site (PASS) dataset presently available in the MoTrPAC Data Hub. Details of the training study in 6-month old rats have been published Applications that respond to this NOFO will conduct detailed analyses of the 6-month training data to explore the functions, sources, and target tissues of molecules that transduce the beneficial effects of physical activity that have been identified in MoTrPAC tissue analyses. It is anticipated that the results of these analyses will generate new hypotheses that can be tested by additional research. Additional exercise studies and tissue collection from Fisher 344 rats for analysis are not the focus of this NOFO and will be considered non-responsive.
Applications may propose new methods and analytic pipelines to answer questions about the effects of physical activity. Activities may include enhancing information in MoTrPAC data through developing analytic tools, curating and annotating existing data; developing research methods or analytic tools to support data visualization, harmonization, and integration; or applying new artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning/deep learning approaches to aid in data integration.
Comparisons of available MoTrPAC data with other large datasets will be instrumental in expanding the current and future research impact of MoTrPAC data. Common Fund especially encourages applications proposing to compare the publicly available MoTrPAC preclinical animal training data to other datasets (public or private). If the dataset proposed is not publicly available, it will be essential that the applicant provide sufficient information for reviewers to assess the significance and rigor of the proposed comparison data. It is anticipated that other comparator data sets are unlikely to have the same level of complexity and rigor as the MoTrPAC study design (reversed light cycle, 19 tissues and 4-7 timepoints); however, applications proposing a comparator dataset are expected to provide sufficient details to assess the rigor of the study design.
Key Dates: Application Due Date: December 26, 2024."
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